CCImmigrations is an online travel portal that offers flights, hotel deals and holiday packages. You may be assured that the personal information you provide to us over the internet is treated with utmost care to ensure safety, security and confidentiality.CCImmigrations has implemented technology, security features and strict policy guidelines to safeguard the privacy of customer information from unauthorized access or improper use. We continue to enhance our security procedures as new technology becomes available. CCImmigrations extends its protection to clients who complete the booking and payment procedure in the United Kingdom. Our website is operated by CCImmigrations Registered Office is: 1E-18, 7205, Goreway Dr, Mississauga, ON L4T2T9, Canada. Contact Details: +1 (647) 545-0463" . When you visit any Platform, we may gather some facts from you, some of it may refer to your confidential information. Such content can consist of an IP address, search history, operating system, access time, URL and browser.If you purchase/book a travel product via any Platform, we may require additional information from you. Such information can include your/traveler’s name, telephone number, email address, passport number, credit card information, billing address, itineraries and other details.By giving us your personal information, you are declaring to us that the information is true, accurate, complete and current to your knowledge. You are also indicating to us that you have complete authority to provide it to us.We collect your personal information in several different ways:When you make a reservation, purchase something from our website or even through our customer service experts through phone, email, fax or letter.When you register with us, sign-up to our newsletter, register for competitions/promotions or provide any feedback and take part in surveys.Calls from/to our help desk or travel extra maybe recorded or even monitored for quality control purpose as well as for staff training. The recordings will be stored till needed and then it will be deleted. Therefore, any personal information obtained from you will be treated completely within the criterion of this Privacy Policy.
CCImmigrations may share your information with the following entries: With airline, hotel, car hire suppliers and other activity providers who fulfill your travel reservationsThird PartyWith third-party suppliers who provide the necessary services.Other Travel Companies With companies within our corporate/travel sector as such, sharing enables us to provide you about products and services related to both leisure and business tours, that might interest you. Merchant will not sell, purchase, provide, exchange or in any other manner disclose Account or Transaction data, or personal information of or about a Cardholder to anyone, except, it’s Acquirer, Visa/Mastercard Corporations or in response to valid government demands.
We may update this Privacy Policy in the future. We will notify you about material changes to this Privacy Policy by mailing you a notice to the email address you provide to us, or by inserting a notice on our website.
Whenever you access our website,’s personal information includes data that helps us identify the person smoothly. Such as;
We at gather your personal information which of people (as submitted by you) in several ways, including those listed below: